The Horror Agenda
The Horror Agenda is a podcast from Carlos M. Camacho and Victor M. Garcia Jr. where we discuss OUR horror agenda. We dive into horror movies, horror short films and other horror properties from our perspectives as a recovering PhD and two aspiring filmmakers who have loved horror our whole lives. Tune in and BEWARE spoilers ahead.
The Horror Agenda
There Will Be Monsters (Habrá Monstruos) (2020)
Welcome back to the Horror Agenda and today we revisit the work of Carlota Pereda. That's right, this week we're covering the 2020 short, written and directed by Carlota Pereda with cinematography by Rita Noriega, who listeners will know worked with Carlota on Cerdita and Piggy (short and feature).
This episode has a content warning. While the film does not explicitly show sexual assault, it is implied, there is harassment and our discuss veers into discussions of sexual assault and more.
You can watch the short on Alter's YouTube channel here.
For more on the #MeToo movement you can check out their website here.
If you are a survivor of sexual assault and need help you can find resources here from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center or from RAINN here.
In this episode we also address the Dominique Pelicot rape trial as part of our discussion of rape culture, the #MeToo movement and more.
This week Victor hygiene. Floss, brush your teeth and make an appointment to your dentist especially if you've been eating a lot of candy.
Carlos has two recommendations this week. First he recommends Promising Young Woman (2020) a tough film to watch with a story about a young woman getting revenge for her friend who was sexually assaulted...lots of discussion of assault, victim blaming, and more.
Carlos' second recommendation is the song You Are the Problem Here by First Aid Kit a song with themes relevant to the #MeToo movement, both There Will be Monsters and Promising Young Woman.
Beware Spoilers. You can follow The Horror Agenda on Instagram @TheHorrorAgenda. Our personal links and more are on our and you can email us at TheHorrorAgendaPod [at] GMAIL [dot] com.
Intro Music: "Satanic Panic" by Weary Pines
Outro Music: "Threatened" by Alex Besss
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